
HandyNotesforyourmaps.ThisaddonisintendedtobeasmallandsimplereplacementforCartographer_Notesandfunctionsinasimilarmanner.Use/handynotes ...,2022年4月2日—AHandyNotespluginfortheDragonflightexpansion.Itwilladdthelocationsandrewardsforraremobs,battlepets,treasuresandother ...,AHandyNotesplugintoshowtheDragonflighttreasureitemsandraresonyourmap.(ThatmeansitrequiresHandyNotes,sogoinstallitaswell.)....


Handy Notes for your maps. This addon is intended to be a small and simple replacement for Cartographer_Notes and functions in a similar manner. Use /handynotes ...

HandyNotes: Dragonflight

2022年4月2日 — A HandyNotes plugin for the Dragonflight expansion. It will add the locations and rewards for rare mobs, battle pets, treasures and other ...


A HandyNotes plugin to show the Dragonflight treasure items and rares on your map. (That means it requires HandyNotes, so go install it as well.).

Overview - HandyNotes - Addons

Handy Notes for your maps. This addon is intended to be a small and simple replacement for Cartographer_Notes and functions in a similar manner.

Why is handynotes just not working?

2024年1月16日 — Handynotes still works for me. Are you using a mod manager or manually installing? You may have the wrong version (classic, most likely) if you' ...

[地图] HandyNotes 子模块整理与注释

HandyNotes: Loremaster 博学者成就指引 https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/handynotes-loremaster HandyNotes - Loose Pebbles 军团再领的达拉然某个声望 ...

【問題】Handynotes無法顯示@WOW 魔獸世界哈啦板

2020年10月24日 — 要安裝有更新支援到9.0.1 的才能使用,舊版無法使用。

【插件】HandyNotes 破碎群島寶藏助手中文版830更新

WOW 魔獸世界. 開啟巴哈姆特APP ... 【插件】HandyNotes 破碎群島寶藏助手中文版8/30更新.

地圖標記HandyNotes - 奇樂

檔案名稱, 檔案版本, 檔案大小, 下載次數, 上傳時間, 註 記, 上傳者. HandyNotes-v1.6.16.zip 時光的裂痕, 159.71 KB, 1,590, 2023-07-25, 三皈依.